Monthly Archives: May 2013

Review: Blame It On The Hormones by Dick O’Connor

Well, this is an incredibly cute but extremely short. Too short. Okay, this is a free book on, written by Dick O’Connor. I don’t know, whether this short story is self experience of Dick himself or not, but the character on it is named the same.

dick o connor - blame it on the hormonesI said this is cute because it told us about how two freshmen on a high school, Dick and Eric, were united because of Sarah, Dick’s friend who is voluntary help them get along. Everything looked fine. Dick is openly gay, then Eric, somehow still like to be in the closet. Their first date by watching a movie seemed promising, but when Dick is trying to test Eric’s feeling for him by touching his hand, Eric decided to move backward, and he went in a rush whilst the movie end. That’s the sign for Dick that maybe Eric is not The One for him.

Because this story is too short, I still can’t describe whether I like or not, except for its cuteness. I hope I can read lot of possibilities about their relationship.

I gave 2 out of 5 star. Honestly, I love Dick’s writing. I’ll look forward for his another books.

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Filed under Free Reading

Can’t Take My Eyes Of These: Cute Cover!

These are become my new wishlist based on their cute cover. Hahaha…well, sometime I am an eye-slut reader because I choose to read books by their cover. Like these:

A Harmony Ink Press Young Adult Title

Fairy Tate. Twinklefingers. Lucy Liu. Will the taunting ever end? Lucas Tate suffers ridicule because of his appearance and sensitive nature. When he’s not teased, he’s ignored, and he doesn’t know which is worse. He feels unloved by everyone, but the one comfort in life is his music. What he wants more than anything is to find a friend.

Much to his dismay, both his mom and a schoolmate are determined to find him a boyfriend, despite the fact Lucas hasn’t come out to them. His mom chooses a football player who redefines the term “heartthrob,” while Trish pushes him toward the only openly gay boy at Providence High. But Lucas is harboring a crush on another boy, one who writes such romantic poetry to his girlfriend that hearing it melts Lucas into a puddle of goo. All three prospects seem so far out of his league. Lucas is sure he doesn’t stand a chance with any of them—until sharing his gift for music brings him the courage to let people into his heart.


The hole in Tony Teagan’s heart is slowly shrinking. Since losing the love of his life, he’s buried himself in running West TonDe Press, but now he can remember the good times. Still, that doesn’t mean he’s ready for a new man in his life. Then he meets nighttime delivery guy Brandon, who appears on his doorstep with Thai food. Tony’s interest is piqued despite their ten-year age difference, and Brandon is all for a new relationship. Relinquishing his hold on his deceased lover is the hardest challenge Tony will face, but if his future is combined with Brandon’s, he may have a second chance at love after all.




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